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Public Transit

In many places, people drive not because they want to, but because there are few practical alternatives. Where transit options do exist, poor transit service, management and marketing often fail to attract potential riders. Enhancing transit use means addressing both short-term operational problems and broader, long-term issues of transit-supportive urban planning, zoning, and land use. In the short term, many low-cost actions are open to transit agencies to make the transit experience more pleasant for the public, whether this means maintaining the interior and exterior cleanliness of a vehicle, providing customer service training for personnel, or providing efficient and comfortable means of access and egress to vehicles at transit stops. This page presents technical resources that policymakers can use to inform public transit development decision making.

Resources CESC

Resources countries


Funding and Financing Highways and Public Transportation Under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)

This report discusses the funding and financing mechanisms that support the federal government’s involvement in surface transportation and considers legislative…


Congressional Research Service


24 May 2023

Deployment Data


Bikesharing in Europe, the Americas, and Asia: Past, Present, and Future

This report breaks down the history of bike sharing programs in Europe, the Americas, and Asia. It is organised into…


Transportation Research Record


Tools and Websites

Training Materials

Climate and Energy Webcasts

This website provides access to a collection of webcasts and podcasts presented by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Local Climate…


United States Environmental Protection Agency


Tools and Websites

Training Materials

ClimateTechWiki: A Clean Energy Platform (Website)

This database provides publications, case studies, tools, general discussions, and other resources focusing on a wide variety of technologies. Users…


United Nations

Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs

Energy Research Center of the Netherlands

Joint Implementation Network

University of Edinburgh

Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Partnership


Energy Efficiency Market Report 2016

According to this report, the greatest efficiency gains have been led by policy and the greatest untapped potential lie where…


International Energy Agency (iea)


Tools and Websites

Freight Best Practice (Website)

This website, maintained by the Welsh government, offers information for the freight industry on topics such as fuel conservation, skill…


Welsh Government

Tools and Websites

Global Infrastructure Facility

Despite robust growth, many people in emerging markets and developing economies still do not have access to reliable and affordable…


The World Bank

Tools and Websites

Global Infrastructure Facility

Despite robust growth, many people in emerging markets and developing economies still do not have access to reliable and affordable…


The World Bank


Tools and Websites

Guidelines and Toolkits for Urban Transport Development in Medium Sized Cities in India

This resource is designed to help decision makers and practitioners in states and municipal governments who are concerned with urban…


Asian Development Bank


Institute for Transportation and Development Policy

The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) works with cities worldwide to bring about sustainable transport solutions that cut…


Institute for Transportation & Development Policy


Tools and Websites

Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (Website)

The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) works with cities worldwide to bring about sustainable transport solutions that cut…


Institute for Transportation & Development Policy

Deployment Data


Tools and Websites

Innovative Practices for Increased Ridership in the United States

The goal of this Web page is to collect and share information from Unites States transit agencies about the most…


United States Federal Transit Administration


Tools and Websites

Intelligent Energy: Europe Projects Database

The Intelligent Energy-Europe (IEE) programme is the European Union’s tool for funding action to improve market conditions for energy efficiency…


European Commission


New Seamless Mobility Services: Public Bicycles

This European Commission report details the benefits and costs of implementing a bicycle share program in a city, preferably a…


European Commission

Policy Data


Training Materials

Options for Financing Public Transportation in the United States (Presentation)

This presentation presents an overview of the financing options available to policymakers for funding public transportation projects in the United…


United States Federal Transit Administration


Tools and Websites

Partnership for Sustainable Communities (Website)

This website provides information about the Partnership for Sustainable Communities as well as related tools and resources. Through this program,…


United States Department of Transportation

United States Environmental Protection Agency

United States Department of Housing and Urban Development

Policy Data


Tools and Websites

Reconnecting America's Resource Center (Website)

This website hosts Reconnecting America’s Resource Center Website. Reconnecting America is a non-profit organization that promotes best practices in transit.…


Reconnecting America

Deployment Data


Tools and Websites

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership Projects (Website)

This website provides a listing of all projects supported by the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP). Since its…


Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership