


CEM9 is fast approaching

The Ninth Clean Energy Ministerial is less that three months away. It is jointly hosted in Copenhagen on 24th May by Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, the Nordic Council of Ministers and the European Commission representing the European Union.

This year’s event is an opportunity to engage with member governments and global energy leaders under the theme of Energy Integration and Transition: towards a competitive and innovative low carbon economy. The EU, together with the Nordic countries, have considerable experience in working to develop common solutions to meet objectives in the energy field, including the development of regulatory frameworks and regional energy markets, and the Nordic region is particularly proud to have come to represent clean energy innovation on the world stage. We are seeking to hold a focused and fruitful event that accelerates concrete and actionable efforts to scale the deployment of clean energy technologies.

Side events 

CEM9 is also an opportunity to engage in a number of side events dedicated to energy and broader issues. Visit our dedicated CEM9 page to find out more: